A brief overview of the React 17

First things first, yes there are no new features in this update! There are several upgrades and a few eliminations which we believe are worth discussing. So here’s our take on the all-new React 17. This new version comes after a long wait of nearly two years. We believe that there are a lot of improvements vis-a-vis the previous version. The focus is largely on the gradual updates to this version and the future ones. So, let’s see what all they are!

Changes in event delegation 

The React 17 update eases the nesting of applications that are built using different React versions. A lot of conflicts were seen when many versions of React are being used together. With this update, event handlers will not be attached at document levels. In its place, it will go to the root DOM container where your React tree is rendered. Also, with React 17 going in for gradual changes, developers will have more freedom when it comes to migration of apps in one go or smaller chunks.

Native component stacks 

Finding errors with javascript function; its name and location stack trace can lead to a needle in a haystack hunt while sifting through hundreds of coding lines (if not a thousand). To pinpoint errors in React 17, there is an unorthodox approach taken by the React team. Here is what they are thinking, in their own words:
Currently, the browsers don’t provide a way to get a function’s stack frame (source file and location). So when React catches an error, it will now reconstruct its component stack by throwing (and catching) a temporary error from inside each of the components above, when it is possible.
This improvement will come in handy during the production environment.

No More Private Exports 

The new update of React has withdrawn private exports. This was a much-awaited update for React Native for Web. The dependency of React Native for Web was on certain internals of the event system. This dependency was fragile and now will be addressed with this update.

No Event Pooling 

Event pooling optimizations are no longer a part of React 17. It failed abysmally to enhance the performance in older browsers. Its initial purpose was to reuse the event objects between events along with setting all fields to ‘null’ between processes. However, it ended up causing more confusion for developers. Following this change, the need to use e.persist() is also eliminated.

Properties of React Components 

React 17 is now compliant with ES6. There are talks of using key or codes and in case you are working with it, you are required to code property to keyboard event objects. On similar lines, capture phase events use real browser capture, there are no bubbles in onScroll events, etc. In addition to the above-mentioned updates, two new functions are being introduced in this update, namely ‘getDerivedStateFromProps’ and ‘getSnapshotBeforeUpdate’. All this said, React 17 is surely working towards making React more prominent within the developer community and making it easier for all to understand, deploy, and migrate to React in the future. Feel free to get in touch with us here if you need help with your React development. About us  We, at Galaxy Weblinks, are all for new ideas and experiments. We believe that being up-to-date in this fast-paced world gives us adequate time to explore and implement new changes. Our developers are constantly striving for improvement and a better user experience. Contact us for a free consultation!

Agencies that Build #3 – Flexibility and Focusing Forward | Carl Smith

In this episode of Agencies That Build we are in conversation with Carl Smith, Owner, The Bureau of Digital. This organization trains upcoming leaders and supports agencies. Their focus on Digital Leadership, Business Development, Design Leadership, Operations, and Project Management has been invaluable to the digital agency landscape.
Before diving further into the session Casey brought out the Mjölnir for some classic myth-busting. Here are some of the myths that Carl busted for us:


  • There’s no work out there
  • If you show them how to do it, then they won’t need you
  • Clients only want to hear what’s great about their product
To start this goldmine of a session Carl ‘The Agitator’ opened with how it’s not true that there’s no work out there and people can’t get projects. He said that there’s tons of work, you just have to be flexible according to the current scenario and adapt. Especially the agencies that specialize in a particular domain, if they’re doing only one thing for one group and that group doesn’t offer new requirements. They are left with only two choices.
  1. Bounce and find somebody who needs you
  2. Find a new way to do things for the same audience. Reinvent yourself
Experimenting and taking up different things out of your specialization doesn’t necessarily make you a generalist because most successful shops are generalists, but they like to identify as specialists. About focusing forward Carl added Don’t put online the company that you are, put online the company that you want to be. Ask your clients how you can fit in or help them. Talk. Don’t make money the first priority. The money will come. Money is the by-product of awesome. Create awesome and make your clients happy. When the clients are happy that’s when the work starts. “The clients you’ve right now will get you close to the clients you want” Just don’t do something because other people are doing it. You have to look inside yourself. Find it is what you want to do, what you’re able to do and then find the mix right in the middle. And just go forward and be honest and talk to people. Carl closed with some personal stories that we think would be a better experience on the podcast or YouTube because the energy on this session is infectious.

TL;DR | Takeaways for Flexibility and Focusing Forward

  • In today’s climate, it is important to cater to your clients’ evolving needs and be flexible with them. How can you create a better relationship in the current world?
  • Generalists are what everyone wants out of individuals, but Specialists are what they want out of organizations. The most successful companies are those that are generalists but promote themselves as specialists.
  • Position yourself as who you want to become versus who you are right now. This will help grow your business, company, and community.
  • If you have to change the fabric of who you are to accomplish something then you have lost part of yourself.” Double down on what makes you different as a company and an individual.
  • Don’t always tell clients what is great about what they have. Sometimes it is better to show them the stuff they don’t want to hear.
  • Career advise from Carl Smith, Nothing matters as much as it feels like it does. Leslie Peters said, “Life is a quest, not a text.”