What are Google Play’s new mobile app requirements?

Google Play set out many criteria in their app guidelines that you need to follow. These changes may cause some issues as you try to stay up to date. In this post, we’ll tell you what changes you need to make in order to guarantee that your app is fully compatible with Google’s new requirements.

Google made changes to the behavior of the API to increase security and privacy. The bindService() implicit intents in Android 5.0 aren’t supported currently. There are also new changes in the Runtime permissions. Since every Android app runs in a reduced-access sandbox, so the app has to ask for permission when it wants to use materials or information outside that sandbox. Google Play asks that you state the need in the app manifest and then you have to approve each permission right before the actual runtime.

This permission change is for Android 6.0 and higher. You can still use the Android Support Library to make older versions of Android compatible. Google Play also updated the Android Support Library with the release of Android 9.0 (API level 28); the new version is called AndroidX and is part of Jetpack. The existing support library still exists with the AndroidX library, but it also includes Jetpack’s most recent components.

Google Maven holds onto all versions prior to API 27 and Google Play says that they’ll be packaged as “android.support.” But, all new development will take place on the AndroidX library, so Google Play recommends that you develop new projects here. If you have an existing project, they recommend that you migrate it over.

To further increase secure connections, Google Play has changed the user added CAs to not be trusted by default in the case of Android 7.0. They also require explicit user approval from apps to access the user account in Android 8.0.

For MetaData, Google now has a small MetaData on top of each APK so that each app release is officially verified by Google Play. They don’t allow apps with any deceptive, incorrect, or explicit metadata that isn’t pertinent to what the app is about. This entails every area of the app — the title, description, all images, and icons. They also don’t allow user testimonials in the app’s description any longer. Authentication is important for users to know that an app is legitimate, so they’re spending time to ensure that each app functions as advertised.

Here Are Google Play’s New Requirements for Texts & Images

Google Play store now allows 2–8 screenshots for each supported device, i.e., smartphones, tablets, Android T.V, Android Wear, etc. But, to publish your store listing, you have to upload at least two screenshots for each device type. It needs to either be a JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha) with minimum dimensions of 320px and maximum dimensions of 3840px.

Screenshots aren’t the only images that need to be formatted. Google Play requires one splash screen for an iPhone display and one for an iPad display, both retina and non-retina displays. Whether you’re using a photo or video, dimensions should be 1024px by 500px. If you choose a video, make sure to use an individual video’s YouTube URL, not a YouTube playlist or channel URL. The video shouldn’t be longer than two minutes.

Google Play now requires icon images to fit into the new, standardized icon shape — the square with rounded corners known as a “squircle.” It needs to be hi-res, material icons used through Android M, and adaptive icons for Android O.

For your text:

Titles – Should be between 4 and 30 characters – But, the new limit was moved from 30 to 50 characters

Descriptions – The short description has an 80-character limit – The detailed description has a 4,000-character limit

Keywords – They’re required and the new version has a 500-character limit – Users can also fill in this field while updating the application version

Before Launching, Follow Google Play’s Checklist

Key Takeaways

  • Google Play changed API behavior
  • Android 5.0 implicit intents are no longer supported
  • Android 6.0 and higher has changes in Runtime permissions (app must request permission of a material, then approve permission before runtime)
  • Develop new projects on AndroidX library
  • There is now MetaData on top of each APK
  • There is new length requirements for, Titles (new 50-character limit), Descriptions (80-character limit), and Keywords (500-character limit)
  • There are new requirements for images
  • Icon must be the square with rounded edges — aka a “squircle”
  • Two screenshots per supported device type (smartphones, tablets, etc.)
  • One splash screen for iPhone and iPad screen displays
  • For videos, link to an individual video, not a playlist

Good Luck on Your Launch!

Galaxy Weblinks stays up to date on these developments so that our clients don’t have to do time-consuming, detailed research. That’s why our clients love partnering with us for mobile app development — we don’t leave them in the dark nor overload them with lengthy information. We provide overviews, outlines, and how-to guides so that clients can feel confident when updating their app.

Feel free to use our above checklist to keep yourself on track. If you have questions about this process, leave us a comment or contact us. If you have questions about other app topics, then browse our blog!

The flip side of Wellness apps

Contrary to popular belief wellness apps are not so wholesome after all.

Apart from the flaw in fundamental definition of wellness, it also brings along security and data privacy issues like other mainstream apps. The question may arise, is this digital equivalent of a wellness Guru really worth it?

There are over 160,000 wellness apps on the App Store. If you’re thinking of adding to that figure then let us break it down for you. Are wellness app really worth it?

Overdiagnose normal feelings


An ensemble of gyroscope, pedometer, and HR monitor cannot tell how a person is feeling. These apps dive in not-so-accurate data curated from the app and the wearables to diagnose users of conditions they might not be having.

This case seems somewhat like Eliza the MIT bot from the 60s. Long before Google or Siri existed, Joseph Weizenbaum introduced the world to Eliza, a therapy bot. The bot was an NLP program which responded to people’s issues with a script prepared by psychologists but people who tested it believed that Eliza understood them.

Provides false sense of achievement

Animation of a hand feeding Sushi with social media branding on it

If you were to refer wellness related studies you’d find that most of the apps are not backed by evidence and other apps are just plain ineffective.

Dietary apps make the user feel as if they are losing weight but in reality, keeping track of the calories is of not much help. A research revealed that out of 2000 health apps, only 3-4 % of the apps gave scientifically proven results.

Sets unrealistic goals for users

people exercising in front of tv screens

In a competitive spirit users often attach their self worth with unrealistic goals defined for them by wellness apps. You should run a mile a day, you should eat less & drink more, you should walk in short strides, you should sleep less, et al.

Are these apps improving your lifestyle or telling you how to live? Is it really healthy to constantly question every little life choice you make?

Wellness apps claim that they have the goals uniquely tailored for each user. Are they really? A person who is fit but has asthma, can’t sprint 500 Meters the first week of training. Failing to do so, they’ll compare their health stats with other people. People with healthy set of lungs.

Encourages self-destructive behaviour

woman using her phone while running

Wellness apps are a dime a dozen and without any clinical approval, they’re just apps with lofty claims to make people’s lives better. To stand out from the crowd, some apps might even go as far to provide therapeutic interventions for the people who need real therapy.

According to American psychiatric association, there are documented cases of apps that recommend bipolar people to drink alcohol when manic.

Wrap up

Like other new and shiny things, the benefits of the wellness apps are balanced by some flaws. Flaws that may encourage bi-polar people to have a couple of lagers as a remedy.

Whether you’re using or building one of these apps, define your own wellness or your user’s wellness before diving in the development of one.

It’s surprisingly easy to get it wrong. Let us know what you think about wellness apps and if you want to talk about getting it right, then drop us a mail here.

The Bare Bones of Skeleton Screens

Losing customers to Slowpoke of a UI is a nightmare for any UX designer. What if there was a pseudo-catalyst that could make your UI seem like there was no delay. In this post, we’ll tell you about skeleton screens and how it can get rid of your slow-loading nightmares.

So, what are these spooky sounding skeleton screens?

A Screenshot of of a loading Facebook homescreen

Skeleton screens are the better alternative to progress bars or spinners. It’s a blank page that mimics the layout of an actual web page that it’s trying to load. The primary purpose is to imitate the page as to give the website visitor the feeling that the page is actually loading.

Fast Company stated a study by Google that reported they lose about 8 million searches a day from 4/10 of a second of delayed loading time. This is why a skeleton screen is so important. Mimicking a loaded screen will give your site the needed time to retain the attention of a visitor while the page loads.

Progressive loading is one of the recent developments in Skeleton interfaces. As the name suggests the Individual page elements become visible as they load progressively instead of displaying all at once when the page fully loads.

There’s a challenge though

The only time you’ll have a hard time designing skeleton screens is when you’re deciding the elements your site will have as placeholders. The most effective placeholders are UI elements, as website visitors are usually attracted towards the interactive elements when they’re looking for specific pages.

The benefits of getting it right

A screenshot of a loading LinkedIn homescreen

Skeleton screens can lower site/app’s bounce rate. When a website visitor sees it, their eyes will gravitate towards the feature they’re most likely to use. Take LinkedIn’s loading page for instance.

If a visitor needs their profile information, they will automatically look left for the loading element or group of elements that resembles a profile info structure. If they want to go through the updates from their network, then their eyes will go towards the center. Same goes for one of the early adopters of skeleton approach, Facebook.

Benefits we talked about at a glance

  • Lowers your bounce rate
  • Helps website visitors feel less frustrated with load times
  • Gives people a prediction of where certain content/images will load
  • Shows people that progress is being made in the loading process

Why Not the good ol’ spinner or progress bar?

A GIF of a loading spinner

When a visitor’s in a hurry to find information and you see a slower, stagnate loading bar or spinner, what do you think?

Most people think, “How many seconds will I give this site to load before I leave and look for another?” The visitor’s frustration will rise as they stare at this one loading bar and will be more likely to bounce.

Spinners/loading bars give people uncertainty about the load time and uncertainty will lead to them leaving a site. This is why skeleton screens are necessary for better UX.

Bonus tips

  • Break down your page bit by bit to outline it
  • Locate your static graphics that won’t change while the site is being used
  • Create the body of the site, using those static graphics first
  • Fill in where you know your text populates — it should look like a background, not like it’s appearing from nowhere
  • Test the skeleton screens as you implement them
  • Tweak images and imitated text boxes until they more closely represent what your page actually looks like

Even though Skeleton screens are just a cosmetic cure for slower loading applications but it does the job of retaining the visitor’s attention real well.

We hope that you enjoyed this post about skeleton screens. If you’re looking to improve your UX beyond skeleton screens, then this UX Training might be just the right thing for your team.

What is Code Readability? – A Key Pillar of Software Development

The global software industry suffers annual losses exceeding $300 billion due to a seemingly inconspicuous issue – poor code readability. The journey from well-structured code to a tangled, confusing mess can drain a significant portion of a company’s revenue. In this article, we’ll explore the profound impact of code readability on the software development landscape. We’ll explain why it’s a critical factor, and most importantly, we’ll provide practical insights to help you transform your software projects. Whether you’re an expert coder, a tech team leader, or simply someone exploring the world of software, let’s explore this essential concept and its tangible consequences.

The Foundation of Code Readability

At its core, code readability refers to the ease with which a human can comprehend, interpret, and modify a piece of source code. It’s not just about making code “look pretty” but rather ensuring that it’s clear, logically structured, and understandable by others, including your future self.

Why Code Readability Matters?

Code readability isn’t just a nice-to-have quality in software development; it’s an imperative for several compelling reasons: 1. Collaboration: Software development is rarely a solitary endeavor. Teams of developers collaborate to build complex systems. Readable code becomes a universal language that all team members can understand and work with seamlessly. Imagine a startup with a small development team. A developer writes complex, cryptic code that only they can decipher. When that developer leaves, the rest of the team is left grappling with the code, leading to delays and frustration. 2. Maintenance: Over the lifespan of software, maintenance and updates are inevitable. Code that’s readable is easier to modify and extend. It reduces the chances of introducing bugs while making changes. According to a study by Microsoft Research, for every 100 lines of code, there are typically 15-50 defects. Clear and readable code helps reduce this number significantly during maintenance. 3. Onboarding New Team Members: As your team grows, you’ll onboard new developers. Code readability accelerates their onboarding process, allowing them to become productive faster. A software consultancy hires a junior developer. Thanks to well-documented and readable code, the new team member can quickly grasp the project’s structure and start contributing effectively within days.

Readable Code vs. Unreadable Code: Spot the Difference

Let’s take a moment to compare readable and unreadable code:

Readable Code:

def calculate_average(numbers): total = sum(numbers) count = len(numbers) return total / count

Unreadable Code:

def calc_avg(nums): t = 0 c = 0 for n in nums: t += n c += 1 return t / c The readable version is not only easier to understand but also less prone to errors. It uses descriptive variable names and follows a logical structure, making it accessible to anyone familiar with Python.

Abstractions in Coding: The DRY Principle

DRY, which stands for “Don’t Repeat Yourself,” is a fundamental principle in software development. It encourages the creation of abstractions to avoid redundancy. Abstractions not only enhance code readability but also improve maintainability. Think of an e-commerce website where product prices are displayed in multiple places. By abstracting the price formatting logic into a reusable function, you ensure consistency and readability. If you need to change the formatting, you do it in one place, and the entire website updates accordingly.

Code Reviews: Human Code Readability Checks

Human code reviews are common practice in development teams. They serve as a crucial gatekeeper for code quality and readability. During a review, experienced developers examine the code for readability, adherence to coding standards, and potential improvements. A survey by SmartBear found that 60% of respondents considered readability and maintainability the most important factors in code reviews.

Transforming Code Readability into Business Processes

Code readability is not merely a concern for developers; it’s a cornerstone of successful software projects. It facilitates collaboration, eases maintenance, and accelerates onboarding. By adhering to the principles of readable code, businesses can minimize development bottlenecks, reduce errors, and improve overall project efficiency. At Galaxy Weblinks, we understand the profound impact of code readability on software projects. Our web development services prioritize clean, readable code to ensure your digital solutions are not just functional but also maintainable and scalable. Let us help you enhance your web development processes and create software that stands the test of time.

All there’s to know about the new Swift UI 5.1 update

Apple in its annual WWDC made some game changing announcements like a new Mac Pro, an exclusive OS for iPad, iOS 13 release, new Apple tvOS and a Swift UI 5.1 update.

The Swift UI 5.1 update was overshadowed by these major product and software announcements. This new declarative UI goes a long way in making a developer’s life easy. That means you have a lot less code to deal with due to Swift 5.1 framework update.

What’s new in Swift UI 5.1?

Function builder

A custom attribute type, function builder is among the major features announced in the 5.1 update. This improve your code’s readability via ‘declarative UI’ approach. The need of a bunch of brackets gets eliminated, making your code less messy.

ABI stability

Now that Apple has improved ABI’s stability, swift code will directly work with a binary interface. This will reduce the application’s size. It will also result in easier code integration with newer language updates.

Opaque result type

Developers will surely like this one. Opaque types hide their internal details from the outside world and are only compatible when used explicitly. Also its data structure is not defined in an interface.

Other notable changes:

  • Drag and drop option will help in picking varied elements and drop them on any canvas
  • Rich notification
  • Live preview of the changes made in code
  • Dark mode support
  • Module stability enabling integration with future updates
  • Support of right to left languages like Arabic and Hebrew

Apple is on its toes. Fixing all the bugs and errors reported within the community. The Swift UI 5.1 update is an all-rounder package which improves on stability, interface, and security but still remains in Beta. Guess we’ll have to wait a little longer for a stable release.

What are your thoughts on this update and the future Swift UI? Get in a conversation with us here.

InVision Superman Versus Framer X Batman — Who’s Your Bet On?

If you’ve looked over these tools before, then you’ve probably wondered how they compare when facing off one with another. What’s InVision’s kryptonite? Why Framer X doesn’t play well with other superhero tools? And which is the best tool for web developers? Our article will help you make an informed decision regarding which platform is better suited for your web design team. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of both platforms and tell you about each of their special features.

InVision Studio’s Strengths

Whether you and your team use Macs or PCs, InVision is available for both and allows for collaboration with a team in real time. Each collaborator has their own mouse, so you and your team can be working on the same project at the same time without worrying about only one person having control at one time. InVision Studio is incredibly teamwork friendly with their real-time version updates, permission management, and version control. You can also easily share components because their component library is built directly into the InVision Studio.

InVision’s Live Share interface even allows a VOIP chat and a free hand-drawing tool for making sketches within the program itself. It also syncs up to the rest of the InVision platform and can be created and managed on the cloud, making it all-encompassing. And, it’s easy to include team members from start to finish on any project.

They provide an indefinitely free trial, but it is limited to just one project, but that’s more than enough time to test out all of the platform’s capabilities.

  • Prototyping is seamless with InVision as you can drag and drop items from a comprehensive gesture list with instant playback and the ability to preview your work directly in Studio. It even simulates designs in a web-browsing experience for clearer UX previewing.
  • Integrated animations give you a frictionless experience. Not all pages and animations have to be static, right? These animation tools can help bring your pages to life for better UX.
  • Responsive design is music to every designer’s ears but add in an adaptive layout and it sounds so much better. InVision has advanced pinning and percentage geometry with responsive element flow, so it won’t matter whether your customers prefer desktops, tablets, or mobile devices when your designs look stunning on them all.

highlighting invision tool strength

InVision’s Superpower

InVision has an amazing public API with a library filled with UI and UX kits, icons, and apps, which will make your UX seamless.

InVision Studio’s Weaknesses

InVision’s kryptonite is that it’s on the pricier side, which may seem a little too high for simply being a hosting platform.

Since it’s a tool for building click-through prototypes and getting feedback on them, you cannot make designs in the platform itself, but rather have to make designs in another app and upload them.

Unlike Superman, InVision doesn’t always play well with other tools and that could be tedious. It does have all-in-one environment but because it doesn’t integrate with other tools, sometimes it can be an issue.

InVision’s Cons at a Glance

  •      Pricier for primarily being a hosting platform
  •      Designs have to be uploaded from an outside source
  •      No integration with outside tools

Framer X’s Strengths

If some of your team is newer to design or you have interns, then teaching them how to use complex design tools may not be very appealing. However, Framer X uses CoffeeScript for defining its animations so it has a low learning curve for newer designers and can even be used by non-programmers.

Framer X is already integrated with Framer Generation, so you’ll be able to import layers directly from Adobe Photoshop and/or Sketch. As you put your work together, you’ll be able to see an instant preview of the animation you’re currently making, giving you some real-time, visual feedback on your work. It also has drag and drop animations for data and rich media elements. It is all backed up by code so that you’re closer to development.

The SVG-based vector editing toolset that Framer provides has predictive snapping, curve bending, and angle locking to give your vector drawing a powerful edge.

You can prototype with high-fidelity flows on an infinite canvas with pop-up modals and slide-in overlay menus. You can also add horizontal and vertical scrolling in the same frame. It supports animation and interaction prototyping for multiple devices with 8 pre-installed devices from desktop, web apps and mobile platforms to choose from. You can create your own unique setup fairly quickly. Add that with their built-in, 60FPS transitions and you have a solid toolset.

It’s also easy to use. If you’re familiar with Sketch, then Framer X will be a breeze. They have Stacks, too, which allows you to easily create customizable lists and tables with automatic distribution and alignment.

 framer x strength like that of batman

Framer X’s Superpowers

Like Batman, Framer X has a belt of gadgets for its superpowers. They have advanced features that include their Frame Tool for responsive layout, Stacks to help with grids and lists, and interactive Components. These components are also built into their codebase, React, which will make your prototypes feel real.

Framer X’s Weaknesses

It’s only compatible with Mac with no version for Windows or Linux. And since Framer uses CoffeeScript for UI app prototyping, it can be a problem for those who haven’t ever learned CoffeeScript before as they would have to learn a whole new programming language.

Collaboration is also weak for framer X as you can’t upload your prototype to the cloud or download it for offline use. You still have a share link, but once you close your project, that access closes off.

Framer X’s Cons at a Glance

  •      Mac only
  •      Learning curve if you don’t know CoffeeScript
  •      Weak collaboration/sharing tools


As you can see, there’s no true winner in a battle between Batman and Superman. But, we always have our favorites. Framer X will be a favorite of Mac users — similar to Batman, it doesn’t open up to just any other computer hero. And if you already know CoffeeScript, then Framer X will be a walk in the park for you.

On the other hand, InVision’s has advanced pinning and percentage geometry. Its responsive design is like Superman’s heat vision. Like Superman InVision is best for teams. And, just as Superman can power in with other members in Justice League, Invision can be used by both Mac and PC owners as it has really strong collaborator features.

Which do you prefer, Batman Framer X or Superman InVision? Vote in the comments and if you like this article, go take a look at our blog page for more content!

You ARen’t collaborating remotely even if you are

Fun fact: Virtual reality was realized way before digital computing was even a thing.

Virtual reality came into existence with an arcade size immersive machine called ‘Sensorama’ 57 years back. Morton Heilig, a filmmaker, invented it to make cinema more vivid and immersive. Helig debuted his first Sensorama prototype in 1962.

Now, how does invention of AR relate to remote collaboration

It doesn’t. But the years of research and technological marvels like mixed reality lenses has made collaboration a unique use case for AR. Here’s a timeline that shows how it happened.

  • In 1968, American Computer Scientist Ivan Sutherland patents first ever AR head mounted display(HMD)
  • In 1997, a land survey & construction company named Trimble, patents their mixed reality hard hat
  • In 2008 BMW develops an AR app for smartphones to bring its car pictures to life
  • In 2018 AR/VR collaboration softwares like Spatial VR start rolling out the early access of their software
  • Almost two decades later in January 2019 Trimble launches its production ready Trimble XR10 with Microsoft Hololens 2

Who knew Helig’s prototype would lead to insane inventions such as a Trimble XR10.

From construction to automobile, businesses have been trying to develop means to seamlessly integrate AR technology in people’s lives. Devices that change the way people experience products and services.

AR devices are changing the way the world works. It is also changing how you discuss ideas, design products, and collaborate.

What AR can do for your collaboration?

AR is still far from being as common as “3 meals a day” but there are tools that you can use to get your virtual-self up and running in no time.

Spatial VR and Meetin VR are the tools that’re leading the charge. Meetin VR takes place in completely virtual environments while Spatial takes a bit more practical approach with their mixed reality collaboration environments.

This next wave of AR collaboration tools can enhance your processes and products by- 

  • Introducing transparency of information
  • Bringing CMS to virtual environments
  • Simultaneous virtual white-boarding and collaboration
  • Problem & solution simulation
  • Visualization of complex ideas

What’s really wrong with conventional collaboration?

While working with remote teams all the things that could go wrong would probably go wrong because of inefficient communication.

Conventional communication channels are ambiguous. They leave a lot on the table with a lack of emotion and body language. You can’t really gauge intents of the people through the old-school conferencing.

There are two sides to this problem

  • Client side Sometimes clients fail to get their ideas across because it’s vague or too complex.
  • Remote team The other times, remote team fills in the blanks based on their previous experience. That’s what happens when important information is lost in translation, the information gaps are then filled with assumptions.

Collaboration is difficult for remote teams

Your in-house team gets to engage with client or users directly. As for the teams off-shore, they rely on bland teleconferencing. Which is prone to misinterpretation and assumptions.

To make products that resonate with your users, you start by understanding the underlying problem that the product is a solution to. Then you work on how the product is going to solve that problem. Which can only happen if there is a sense of inclusiveness and teleconferencing does the least to encourage participation.

So, what can you do to not lose important bits and pieces of your product in translations? You certainly cannot teleport to your remote team location.

Or can you? No, we’re not suggesting that we can teleport you to another part of the world in an instant. But what we’re suggesting is ridiculously close to that.

Many believed AR to be a passing fad but now it has far more important applications than any other technology. Disaster assessment, learning & development, retail, construction and public safety just to name a few.

We’ve recently built an AR functionality for one of our clients. It eliminates the conventional way of paper-based user manual for an AR guide. Drop us a message here if you’d like to know more.

Ensuring Product Success with Configuration Management in 2024

In the fast-paced digital landscape of 2023, product managers face a similar challenge. Delivering flawless customer experiences within evolving environments and tight timelines feels like conducting a perpetual high-wire act. Features and functionalities might grab the spotlight, but it’s Configuration management that silently orchestrates product success. Gartner forecasts a 25% increase in global IT spending on CM tools by 2024, a resounding testament to its growing importance. The cost of misconfigurations is staggering: a 2023 Ponemon Institute study reports that 82% of organizations suffered data breaches due to configuration errors, each costing an average of $4.24 million. CM emerges as the key component that synchronizes software systems, ensuring every process works together for delivering the best outcome. But let’s delve deeper, understanding the capabilities and challenges of implementing CM in product development. .

Key Benefits of Using Configuration Management

  1. Achieving Precision: 
Imagine managing hundreds of servers, each a unique set of specific settings. Without CM, every change becomes a risky operation with inconsistencies and instability. Configuration Management enforces uniform configurations across environments, minimizing errors and guaranteeing consistent product performance. This, as evidenced by Salesforce’s migration to Kubernetes, resulted in a 60% reduction in deployment time and a 60% decrease in infrastructure costs through CM-driven standardization. Here’s the technical breakdown: CM utilizes tools like Puppet or Chef to define and enforce desired configurations across disparate servers. These tools leverage code repositories, like Git, to store and version control configurations, enabling quick rollbacks and easy collaboration. The result? A streamlined workflow with reduced human error and a predictable, reliable product experience for customers.
  1. Establishing Version Control: 
Configurations evolve subtly, often leaving no trace. But CM acts as a version control mechanism, meticulously recording every tweak, rollback, and milestone. This audit trail empowers you to rewind to the moment a bug emerged, pinpoint the issue, and confidently fix the problem. This ensures the complete elimination of product stumbles which often become quite frustrating for customers. Think of CM as a sophisticated version control system for your entire software infrastructure. Tools like Ansible Tower or Jenkins X provide detailed logs and audit trails, documenting every configuration change and user action. This allows you to pinpoint the exact change that introduced the bug, rollback to a stable version, and fix the issue without impacting customers.
  1. Ensuring Agility With Safeguards: 
Speed is critical in today’s digital age, but unchecked velocity can lead to disaster. CM injects agility into the equation while building in essential safeguards. Automated testing frameworks, like GitLab’s CI/CD pipelines, act as digital guardrails, simulating real-world scenarios and identifying vulnerabilities before they reach production. You can sprint ahead with your product, knowing potential glitches are caught before impacting users. Imagine automated testing frameworks like Selenium or Cypress meticulously simulating user interactions and system workflows. These frameworks test new features and configurations before deployment, identifying performance bottlenecks, security vulnerabilities, and potential bugs. Configuration management integrates seamlessly with these tools, ensuring only thoroughly tested features and configurations reach production, allowing you to innovate at lightning speed with confidence.
  1. Improved Control:
Gone are the days when Configuration management was solely the domain of tech wizards. Modern platforms, like Terraform or HashiCorp Cloud Platform, have empowered product managers to directly manage configurations. This newfound autonomy translates to faster issue resolution, increased team ownership, and a collaborative fine-tuning process, ensuring your product delivers a consistent, resonant experience. Think of self-service portals and intuitive user interfaces that allow product managers to manage key configurations without writing complex code. Tools like Ansible Galaxy or Chef Supermarket provide pre-built modules and blueprints for common configurations, empowering non-technical team members to take ownership and contribute to the product’s success.

Limitations of Configuration Management

While CM basks in well-deserved praise, it’s crucial to acknowledge areas where it might lack.
  1. Difficulty in Choosing The Right Tool: 
The Configuration management landscape is a crowded marketplace, with each tool vying for your attention. But choosing the right instruments can be overwhelming. Implementing incompatible solutions across diverse environments creates complexity, negating the very benefit of standardization. Consolidation and platform integration become crucial here, ensuring your CM implementation works perfectly.. Imagine having a separate tool for managing servers, another for network configurations, and yet another for cloud resources. This creates chaos and inefficiency, hindering collaboration and obscuring the overall system health. Platforms like AWS Config or Microsoft Azure Automation Center offer comprehensive solutions that encompass diverse infrastructure components, reducing tool sprawl and streamlining CM processes. Integrating monitoring and visualization tools like Prometheus or Grafana further enhances visibility, allowing you to proactively identify and address potential issues before they impact performance or security.
  1. Automation’s Blind Spot: 
Automation is Configuration management’s key tool, but over-reliance can be dangerous. Blindly trusting automated scripts can obscure underlying configurations, making debugging a black box. Manual intervention and human oversight remain vital, preventing your product from becoming a victim of automation errors. CM systems rely on complex scripts and automated workflows, but relying solely on automation can lead to unforeseen errors and unintended consequences. Regular manual audits, code reviews, and testing remain essential to ensure automated processes are aligned with desired outcomes and prevent potential misconfigurations from going unnoticed.
  1. Lack Of Actionable Insights: 
Configuration management systems generate vast amounts of data, but extracting actionable insights is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Integrating analytics and visualization tools, like Splunk or ELK Stack, is crucial. They transform raw data into clear reports and actionable alerts, enabling you to proactively identify trends, predict issues, and fine-tune your product’s performance before customers identify issues. CM can integrate with powerful analytics platforms that analyze performance metrics, configuration changes, and user behavior. These tools present data in clear dashboards and actionable alerts, allowing you to identify resource bottlenecks, track trends, and proactively address potential issues before they impact the customer experience.
  1. The Security Bottleneck: 
While CM bolsters security by enforcing compliance, it’s not an impenetrable fortress. Misconfigured tools themselves can become vulnerabilities. Continuous vulnerability scanning and penetration testing, like those offered by Qualys or Rapid7, are crucial to ensure CM isn’t the weakest link in your security chain. Think of CM as a fortified castle, with layers of defenses to protect your system. However, neglecting regular security checks and penetration testing leaves vulnerabilities even in the strongest defenses. Continuously scanning for vulnerabilities in CM tools and configurations, simulating real-world attacks through penetration testing, and patching identified flaws promptly are crucial to ensure your CM system doesn’t become the gateway for security breaches.

Mastering CM Implementation in 2024

Effective Configuration managemennt is more than just a technical solution; it’s a strategic philosophy. It’s about harnessing automation’s power while acknowledging its limitations. It’s about empowering teams while retaining human oversight. It’s about embracing data while extracting its wisdom. At Galaxy Weblinks, we understand this intricate dance. Our team of seasoned product managers and CM experts, armed with cutting-edge tools and real-world experience, can help you:
  • Develop a data-driven CM strategy aligned with your product roadmap and business goals.
  • Design and implement a tailored CM solution that meets your specific needs and challenges.
  • Integrate CM seamlessly with your existing development and operations workflows.
  • Empower your team with training and resources to actively participate in CM processes.
  • Continuously monitor and optimize your CM system for efficiency and security.
By partnering with Galaxy Weblinks, you can transform your product from an unorganized mess to a well managed solution, delivering remarkable experiences to your customers while navigating the evolving digital landscape with confidence and efficiency. Contact Galaxy Weblinks today and let’s explore how we can help you improve your product with CM implementation.

Choosing the Right QA Tool for Your Organization

In the ever-changing world of software development, quality is your greatest defense. This truth holds even more weight in today’s tech-driven landscape, where a startling 75% of software projects encounter obstacles due to insufficient QA. These challenges can lead to delays, customer dissatisfaction, and in some cases, total project failure. Consider a well-known tech company’s recent software release. Overlooked bugs resulted in a staggering 60% loss of user trust and significant financial repercussions. This incident underscores the pivotal role of QA tools in safeguarding an organization’s digital assets. Selecting the right QA tools is not a mere checklist item; it’s a strategic choice that shapes your software’s reliability and your organization’s reputation.

The Evolved Role of QA Tools in Software Development

Comprehensive Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance (QA) in software development has come far beyond traditional bug detection. Now, it represents an overall approach to software quality, encompassing functionality, performance, and user experience. QA tools like Selenium and Appium extend their capabilities to ensure that applications meet comprehensive quality standards, not just in terms of code correctness but also in user satisfaction and business relevance.

Software Reliability and Business Continuity

Reliability is a keystone of modern software. QA tools are vital for preempting failures and ensuring software robustness. Performance testing tools, for instance, stress-test applications to verify their capability to handle real-world pressures, safeguarding against potential downtimes that could disrupt business operations.

Aligning with User and Business Needs

Today’s QA tools also focus on user experience and business alignment. They assess how well the software aligns with end-user expectations and business objectives, ensuring that the final product delivers a seamless user experience and supports the organization’s strategic goals. This approach moves QA from a purely technical domain to a strategic business function.

Factors to Consider in QA Tool Selection

When selecting QA tools, it’s important to consider several key factors that determine their suitability for specific software development needs:
  1. Functionality and Scope: Assess the tool’s ability to cover various testing needs — from functional and performance testing to security and usability testing. The tool should align with the specific types of testing your software requires.
  2. Integration Capabilities: Evaluate how well the tool integrates with other software development tools and systems. This includes compatibility with existing development environments, Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and issue tracking systems.
  3. Automated Testing Efficiency: Consider the level of automation support the tool provides. This includes the ability to create, execute, and manage automated test scripts efficiently, which is crucial for Agile and DevOps practices.
  4. Performance Analysis and Reporting: Examine the tool’s capabilities in performance analysis and its ability to provide detailed, actionable reports. Effective reporting can significantly aid in identifying performance bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
  5. User Experience Feedback: Ensure that the tool offers features for user experience testing, such as feedback on app responsiveness and usability, which are vital for ensuring the software meets end-user expectations.
  6. Scalability and Flexibility: The tool should be scalable to accommodate growing project needs and flexible enough to adapt to changing requirements and technologies.
  7. Cost-Effectiveness: Evaluate the tool’s cost relative to its features and the value it brings. This includes considering the total cost of ownership over time.
  8. Community and Support: A strong user community and reliable customer support can be invaluable for resolving issues and learning best practices.

Implementing Efficient QA Practices

Within the field of Quality Assurance (QA), the use of efficient practices depends on a thorough comprehension of the wide range of software testing instruments that are in the market. Every tool has a distinct collection of features designed to fulfill different testing requirements. Given the variety of possibilities available, choosing and utilizing the tools that best meet the objectives and needs of a given project will require careful thought.

Understanding the Diversity of Software Testing Tools

The range of software testing tools available to QA teams is extensive and varied, each designed to address different aspects of the testing process:
  • Automated Testing Tools: 
These tools, like Selenium or QTP (QuickTest Professional), are designed to automate repetitive testing tasks. They are invaluable in accelerating the testing process, particularly in Agile and DevOps environments where rapid iteration is a norm. Automated testing tools are capable of running a suite of tests quickly and consistently, ensuring that new code changes do not break existing functionalities.
  • Performance Testing Tools: 
Tools such as JMeter and LoadRunner specialize in evaluating the performance and scalability of applications. They simulate various user loads on applications to check how the software behaves under stress conditions. This includes assessing response times, throughput, and resource utilization, which are critical for applications expected to handle high user traffic or data processing.
  • Security Testing Tools: 
With the increasing importance of cybersecurity, tools like OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite have become essential. They help identify vulnerabilities such as SQL injections, cross-site scripting, and other security threats. These tools are critical in the early detection of potential security breaches, thereby safeguarding applications from exploitation.
  • Functional Testing Tools: 
Functional testing tools check the application against functional requirements/specifications. Tools like HP ALM (Application Life Management) enable teams to test the application’s functional integrity and ensure it behaves as expected.
  • Mobile Testing Tools: 
As mobile applications become ubiquitous, tools like Appium and Espresso provide frameworks for testing mobile applications across different devices and operating systems. They assess factors like app stability, user interface responsiveness, and compatibility across devices.
  • API Testing Tools: 
Tools like Postman and SoapUI are tailored for testing the functionality, reliability, performance, and security of APIs. They are crucial in modern software architectures where microservices and API-led integrations are prevalent.

Actionable Insights for QA Tool Selection

Selecting the right Quality Assurance (QA) tools is a critical decision that should align with an organization’s broader business objectives. This alignment ensures that the QA process not only checks for software quality but also contributes to achieving strategic goals. Each organization, depending on its size, industry, and development methodology, will have different priorities that dictate their choice of QA tools.

Aligning QA Tools with Business Objectives

The selection process should start with a clear understanding of what the business aims to achieve with its software products. This understanding will guide the choice of tools to ensure they add value in the right areas.
  • Startups and Rapid Deployment:
For startups or businesses that prioritize rapid deployment and frequent releases, speed is of the essence. Automated testing solutions that can quickly execute a suite of tests become invaluable. Tools that offer quick setup, easy script creation, and fast execution help these companies maintain their agility and speed to market.
  • Large Enterprises and Comprehensive Coverage:
Larger organizations or those dealing with complex, high-stakes software may prioritize thoroughness and reliability. They might lean towards QA tools that offer extensive coverage, comprehensive reporting, and integration capabilities. This ensures that every aspect of the software is rigorously tested and that the tools integrate seamlessly into larger, more complex development environments.

QA for Agile Development: Embracing Flexibility

Agile development methodologies require a different approach to QA. The tools chosen should complement the flexibility and speed of Agile processes.
  • Support for Quick Modifications: 
Agile projects involve frequent changes and iterations. QA tools in this environment need to be able to quickly adapt to changes in the software. Tools with easy-to-update test cases and the ability to re-run tests efficiently are crucial.
  • Facilitating Collaboration: 
Agile also emphasizes collaboration among cross-functional teams. Tools that facilitate easy sharing of test results, collaborative bug tracking, and integrated communication channels can enhance team synergy and efficiency.

Continuous Integration and QA: Streamlining the Process

In DevOps and Continuous Integration (CI) environments, the integration of QA into the development pipeline is essential. The right tools can automate the testing process and provide immediate feedback, which is crucial for maintaining the quality of the software throughout the development lifecycle.
  • Support for Continuous Integration: 
Tools that seamlessly integrate with CI pipelines enable teams to automate testing as part of the build process. This integration ensures that any code changes are immediately tested, reducing the likelihood of bugs making it to production.
  • Providing Immediate Feedback: 
In CI/CD (Continuous Deployment) environments, immediate feedback on the quality of code is crucial. Tools that offer real-time results and alerts enable developers to quickly address any issues, thereby maintaining a high quality of code throughout the development process.

Latest Trends in QA Tools

  • Shift-Left Testing: Early Integration for Faster Feedback
Integrating QA tools earlier in the development lifecycle, known as shift-left testing, allows for faster feedback and bug detection, reducing the mean time to repair (MTTR).
  • AI-Powered Testing: Enhancing Automation and Accuracy
AI-powered testing tools use machine learning for automated test case generation and defect identification, improving test coverage and automation ROI.
  • Cloud-Based and Low-Code/No-Code Testing
Utilizing cloud platforms offers scalable testing infrastructure, while low-code/no-code tools democratize testing access, catering to non-technical users.

Real-World Applications

Organizations like Netflix use chaos engineering tools to ensure service resilience, while Amazon leverages AI-powered testing for improved feedback and test coverage. Microsoft’s comprehensive testing strategy across various platforms and Airbnb’s utilization of mobile testing tools highlights the diverse applications of modern QA tools.

Enhance Software Quality with Galaxy Weblinks

As industry giants like Netflix and Amazon demonstrate with their use of chaos engineering and AI-powered testing, the right QA tools are crucial for innovative software delivery and enhanced user experience. Microsoft’s thorough testing across platforms and Airbnb’s focus on user experience highlight the importance of detailed QA practices in the digital world. Choosing QA tools is a strategic decision critical for software quality and user trust. At Galaxy Weblinks, we understand the vital role of QA in achieving software excellence. Our approach, enriched with industry insights and advanced QA strategies, ensures your software not only meets but surpasses modern digital standards, boosting user satisfaction and business success. Book a discovery call with us and get to know how we can help you enhance your software quality and grow in the digital world.

Outsourcing QA | A Doomsday prepper’s guide to an apocalypse-ready webapp

You might be familiar with Murphy’s law which says ‘Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong’. Software isn’t immune to that. But that’s often the last of your worries because the plate’s always full!

Well, not anymore!

Prepping your webapp via a professional third party QA vendor

QA is like checking your life jacket before diving. There are professionals that run quality tests to eliminate the possibilities of a malfunction.

Delegating QA to a professional third party is not a bad idea. If you’re thinking of adding or improving a QA process in your existing SDLC, then there are two ways of doing that. One is to go with an inexperienced local team and another option is to outsource professionals.

An experienced QA engineer is aware of all the possible errors and prepares test cases accordingly.

It’s not safe out there and you must be on-guard at all times.

The right & only way to outsource QA or any help for that matter

Clear communication.

It is vital for coordination. While hunting, Preppers require patience and coordination to hunt. Their coordination through communication determines if they’ll eat or sleep hungry.

You need to think of outsourcing as co-operative hunting. Communication is the key.

50% of the problems are instantly solved with an active and fitting communication channel. That’s the only way both the parties would know what’s expected of them. Fluent and relevant dialogues can lead to result-driven partnerships.

Start by talking about these aspects:

  • Project requirements
  • Defects in software products during all stages of the development process
  • Product quality evaluation
  • Product’s usability

Delegation gets more done.

Don’t “Alpha to Charlie, we need cover!” your vendor. Just plain communication would do

An elaborate plan is one common thing in every prepper’s guide. The plan is made keeping every possible worst case scenario in mind.

Your engagement model is that plan.

Start by defining the type of outsourcing your project requires. Incremental outsourcing allows you to mitigate your risks by dividing work into smaller, more manageable projects. Total outsourcing involves outsourcing multiple projects and programs to a service provider.

Beware of these fatal threats. It might kill your webapp

Pokeberries might look tempting and edible but they’re poisonous.

A webapp is like the wild. There are things that look friendly and consumable but are not. Here’s a handy list of common things that are used to steal user data and are poisonous for your webapp.

1. Cross site scripting (XSS)

Hackers can use malicious scripts across the site to redirect your users to other phishing sites. Via these phishing sites they can extract customer’s information and exploit their machines.

2. Cross site request forgery

Using cross site request forgery hackers can link their malicious website on your webapp. These links when clicked on, compromises user credentials and other personal information.

3. Code injections

Code injections are rather common, they are used to alter the functioning of a webapp and make it crash.

4. Server side includes (SSI) injections

Server side injections are like code injections but more severe. As the name suggests it’s injected on server side.

5. Authorization bypass

Authorization for webapps acts like biometric access control. A successful bypass means the breach of protected information, which can lead to misuse of website data.

Not roughing up your webapp can lead to:

  • Terrible speed
  • Subpar performance
  • Compromised UX
  • High bounce rate
  • Reduced search engine ranks
  • Payment interface issues
  • Loss of potential customers & sales

Testing before sending it out there in the wilderness

Browser Compatibility Testing

Test the traps with something (exclude yourself) after deploying. QA reduces the risks of failure.

Different browsers render websites differently. Bug fixes and critical changes make it more difficult to find a sweet spot for compatibility. QA engineers test all the platforms that your website will run on.

Testing on multiple devices is essential because people use mobiles devices more than computers. Compatibility issues lead to poor performance and it can decrease traffic and affect conversion.

Performance and user experience is one of those things that will instantly affect your business.

With comprehensive compatibility tests you can prevent loss of potential customers & sales. Better loading speeds and lower bounce rates aid in better SEO ranks too.

UX Testing

See the world with a survivor’s eyes and walk in their shoes. That’s how you come up with unusual solutions.

UX testing is seeing your webapp with your user’s eye. With test case scenarios you’re taking a walk in their shoes.

Use real time user-behaviour data to improve user flows and fix abnormalities within the webapp. With the help of UX testing you can determine if your design, user flow, and copy are working as intended.

Functional Testing

Functional testing surfaces friction in your webapp, if any. It also reveals crucial issues of your website’s functionality like UI problems and substandard user experience.

Using functional test case scenarios, QA engineers can compare the functionality of your website against the defined scope.

Load & Performance Testing

This testing uses staging servers to determine maximum load & performance. It’ll help you figure out if you have delayed server responses, crashes, and other potential problems.

Load and performance tests are designed around your business requirements, server configuration, historical traffic on your website, anticipated future traffic of your website.

JMeter and Loadrunner are used to simulate traffic to test your website. These tests help QA engineers to identify key performance indicators for your webapp and server.

Security Testing

You can manually get rid of bugs and faults but new ones keep appearing hence the automated tests for passive safety.

QA engineers use a mix of manual and automated testing techniques on your staging servers to identify security vulnerabilities on your website.

Test Automation

Selenium does the bug hunting for your webapp. It uses test scripts to mimic the user interface over and over. You don’t have to live test manually every time there’s a small change.

Although not all aspects of website could run using automated testing, even if some vital checkpoints are automated, it saves manpower cost to a huge extent.

QA can protect your webapp and cut costs at same time

Your website’s content assets and customer information are key drivers for your success. Security vulnerabilities can cause loss of data, customers, and reputation. A QA team can save your webapp, customers, and sales. Wise men say

“Better safe than sorry”

QA can reduce 30-40% costs of maintaining the quality of the webapp.

We’re no Doomsday preppers but we do have a team of QA/QC engineers that leave no margin for errors and makes your webapp apocalypse-ready.

Say hi, we can make your product fit enough to survive.